Preparing a budget can help you to see where you are overspending, where you can cut back, and help you see where all you money it going. I was shocked when I sat down to work out a budget and saw how much money my husband and I were spending eating out. It made me see that those luxurious trips, or occasionally going for a manicure with the girls was possible when I cut back on going through the drive-through even once or twice a week.
I headed to my local library to find a book on budgeting and the personal finance section was overwhelming. I had set out to find a Dave Ramsey book as many friends had gushed about how his books and classes had helped get them on track financially. Alas, apparently everyone had the same idea because all of the Dave Ramsey books were checked out. I instead stumbled upon America's Cheapest Family by Steve and Annette Economides, and boy am I glad I did. I read this book cover to cover in one day, and it gave me a easy step by step guide to setting a budget; a task before that had seemed overwhelming. Using their method you can account for 98% of your expected costs in a year which helps minimize surprise expenses.
Click here to visit America's Cheapest Family Website
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