I love it when you find new a fun blogs to read out there, and it is even more fun when they are a KC Blogger b/c lots of the deals, features, and stories on their site relate to us. So I have decided to add a fun new feature to my blog highlighting a KC Blogger each month.
April's Blogger: Miss MeggyD over at CHASING DAVIES
Chasing Davies is a great site for Fashion, Home Decorating and Super Deals. MeggyD focuses on the things that all us girls love....fashion, and making our home fabulous. The best part is she has a focus on budget as well! I sent her some questions to find out more about why she blogs, and here favorite things.
1) How would you describe your blog in 15 words or less? Sharing my chase for good deals, unique finds, and precious pieces for self and home.
2) Since this website is devoted to saving money, finding deals, and enjoying the finer things in life...tell the readers about a time you found a deal on a item you absolutely love. I find great deals all the time! I hardly ever buy anything full-price or isn't a deal. I love finding goods from big to small! The latest score was a little black dress that was funky and fun enough for Vegas, but only $10 (good ol' Marshall's on clearance).
3) Who do you see as the typical reader of your blog, who are you trying to appeal to? I see a wide variety of readers- those interested in fashion pieces that won't break the bank and also people looking for home decorating ideas or to see my personal progress in my new home. I welcome anyone for any reason, and try to have something for everyone.
4) The most obvious question, why did you start blogging? Friends were often asking me where I got stuff (from shoes to a dress to jewelry) and couldn't believe when I would tell them for how cheap or from odd places they had never thought about going. I thought that would be a fun to have my own space to share all these things that I not only loved and bought, but other items that I found and liked! It just evolved from there to include whatever I was on the quest for (now home, too).
5) Tell us about one of your favorite post or features on your blog. I have a new feature that I am excited about- Every Monday I will feature another blogger's outfit, my favorite from the week before. This is to showcase other fashion ideas and stylings, besides just my own and to show new ways to style clothes that many people have.
6) Tell me five things (objects, outfits, food, etc.) that you couldn't get by without
1) J. Crew- I love their clothes, styling, and fit
2) Chocolate- Dove Dark Chocolate right now
Davies' website for inspiration)
4) Comfortable Heels- They exist I promise! My current fave is Simply Vera at Kohls'!
5) My Blackberry
7) Favorite Kansas City stores to find great deals and steals that are still unique to your cute and fun style. Specific to Kansas City- Donna's Dress Shop on 39th Street near Westport. It is full of vintage and new finds for a great price.
8) Since most of our readers are from Kansas City share a restaurant that you like to go to that people may not know about. Well, my favorite place to eat ever is La Parrilla in Lawerence, KS- it is Latin American cuisine with the most perfect veggie rice bowl and Brazilian lemonade ever. In the KC metro area, I am a big fan of the Blue Moose, in Prairie Village, mainly for their veggie platter, great drink menu and good specials. There is also a TCBY near. :)
9) You frequently write about shoes you love. Tell us about your favorite pair of shoes. Depending on my mood and the weather, I have several favorite pair of shoes- but currently I am loving my Coach Wedges I found in Chicago at Filene's Basement for cheap.
10) We all see your cute outfits you wear everyday to the office; tell us about your weekend style. A bit more casual during the day- usually running around in workout or yoga clothes between my workout and at night, depending on my plans, it can my a lot like I wear to work or a bit more fancy.
Thanks for the write-up and feature! :)